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Pregnacare vitamins & tablets by Vitabiotics

UK’s No1 for every stage of pregnancy

Before Pregnancy

Help prepare your body to maximise your chances of conception with our before pregnancy range.

Help prepare your body to maximise your chances of conception.

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During Pregnancy

Safeguard your diet whilst pregnant with vital daily support from our during pregnancy supplements range.

Vital daily support from our during pregnancy supplements range.

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After Pregnancy

Support you and your baby during breastfeeding and beyond with our postnatal supplements range.

Support you and your baby during breast-feeding and beyond.

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Pregnant Woman Holding Phone In Kitchen

Why is Pregnacare most trusted by mums?

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UK’s No1 for every stage of pregnancy

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Most recommended by midwives*

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Received the Queen’s Award for Innovation

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Supporting healthy pregnancies for over 35 years

Pregnacare in the Media

“The Pregnacare brand is the most recommended by midwives"

"Contains micronutrients known to assist healthy conception"

“I recommend taking Vitabiotics Pregnacare”

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Did you know

What can my newborn see?

Your baby’s eyesight develops rapidly in the first six months as vision is closely linked to brain development. Newborns will see shapes, light and movement in shades of grey. Babies love seeing facial expressions but can only focus 20cm to 30cm away so hold your little one close!

You can get pregnant when you are menstruating.

Research suggests that women may be fertile as early as day 4 of their cycle (day one is taken as the first day of bleeding) therefore pregnancy could occur at any point in a cycle.

Babies can hear their mother's voice from inside the womb

At about 18 weeks, a foetus is able to hear sounds. By 25-26 weeks, it is more responsive to noises and responds in the womb.

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Little Boy Holding Pregnant Mum Belly

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Pregnacare Scientific Research

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Pregnacare benefits mums and babies

Study on Pregnacare Conception

The groundbreaking study investigated the effect of multiple-micronutrient supplementation on maternal nutrient status, infant birth weight and gestational age at birth in a low-income, multi-ethnic population. British Journal of Nutrition (2010), 104, 437-445.

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As reported in the national press, Vitabiotics Pregnacare Conception has been used by women undergoing ovulation induction who are trying to conceive in a published UK pilot study, carried out at the Royal Free Hospital. ---1 Agrawal, R. et al. Prospective randomised trial of multiple micronutrients in women undergoing ovulation induction; a pilot study, Reproductive BioMedicine (2012) 24, 54-60.

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Charity Partners We Support
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Bliss is the UK's leading charity for babies born premature or sick. Their work empowers families, influences policy, and enables life-changing research. We support bliss with ongoing advertising and we are proud to support the Bliss Video Call Support Service.
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Fertility Network UK
Fertility Network UK provides information, support and advice to all those struggling to conceive – around 1 in 6 couples in the UK today. The network aims to help those affected make some sense of how they are feeling, and hopefully ease that loneliness and isolation on both an emotional and practical level.
Baby playing with toy cars with mum
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Shine is a leading UK charity providing specialist advice and support from before birth and throughout the life of anyone living with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus, as well as to parents, families, carers and professional care staff. Shine enables people to get the best out of life.
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Reported In UK National Press
Wellbeing Of Women
Vitabiotics is supporting Wellbeing of Women in their mission to help save and improve the lives of women and babies, by funding medical research to find better cures and treatments. Vitamin D deficiency is common in many people, but particularly in pregnant women. Now, with the help of Pregnacare, Wellbeing of Women doctors are researching what this means for the mother and baby.

Frequently Asked Questions

During pregnancy, your baby is reliant on what you eat as his or her source of nourishment. Even with a good diet, additional specific nutrients like Folic Acid and Vitamin D can be important. Pregnacare has been formulated by experts in nutrition to provide each ingredient at precise levels, in moderation, and for every stage of pregnancy:

Before: for women who are trying for a baby

Pregnacare Conception is formulated for women to help build nutritional stores before conception.

The tablets provide 400µg Folic Acid as recommended by the UK Department of Health for all women from the start of trying to conceive (frequently referred to as TTC ). It also includes Zinc which contributes to normal fertility and reproduction. Pregnacare Him and Her tablets, is a dual pack with Pregnacare Conception for Her, and Wellman Conception multivitamin tablets for him. Wellman Conception includes Zinc which contributes to normal fertility and normal testosterone levels in the blood.

During: throughout pregnancy

Available in different forms: Pregnacare Original, Plus and Max tablets / capsules. Liquid and Gummies are also available for those who prefer not to swallow tablets. All the products include 400µg Folic Acid as recommended by the UK Department of Health until the 12th week of pregnancy. Folic Acid also contributes to maternal tissue growth during all of pregnancy.

After: breast-feeding and the post natal period 

Pregnacare Breast-feeding tablets provide 10µg Vitamin D as advised the UK Department of Health for all women while breast-feeding. Also provides Omega-3 capsules which includes 300mg of DHA. Maternal intake of DHA contributes to the normal brain and eye development of breastfed infants.

Pregnacare New Mum tablets are an alternative/next stage after Pregnacare Breastfeeding. Pregnacare New Mum includes Iron and Vitamin B12 to reduce tiredness and fatigue, plus Biotin helps to maintain normal skin and hair, which can undergo changes postnatally.

Before: Pregnacare Conception provides 400µg Folic Acid as recommended by the UK Department of Health for all women from the start of trying to conceive. To help prepare your body it can be used for up to three months before you start to try for a baby. Once confirmed you are pregnant, you can continue to use any remaining tablets before moving on to take Pregnacare Original, Liquid, Gummies, Plus or Max.

During: Pregnacare Original, Plus, Max, Liquid and Gummies have been formulated to be taken throughout pregnancy. While only one format should be taken at any one time, you can switch between the types depending on your needs: e.g. Pregnacare Plus provides all the benefits of Pregnacare Original plus an Omega-3 capsule which provides 300mg DHA. Maternal intake of DHA contributes to the normal development of the eye and brain of the foetus. (A daily intake of 200mg DHA is required in addition to the recommended daily intake of DHA for adults). Pregnacare Max includes all the benefits of Pregnacare Plus , with the addition of L-Methylfolate, a more readily bio-available form of Folic Acid, and 500mg Calcium which is needed for the maintenance of normal bones and teeth.

After: Pregnacare Breast-feeding provides 20 nutrients including 700mg Calcium which is needed for the maintenance of normal bones and teeth, plus an Omega-3 capsule with 300mg DHA. Maternal intake of DHA contributes to the normal development of the eye and brain of breastfed infants. (A beneficial effect can be obtained from a daily intake of 200mg DHA in addition to the recommended daily intake of 250mg of DHA/EPA for adults). Pregnacare Breast-feeding is recommended as a comprehensive nutritional support for as long as you are breast-feeding.

Pregnacare New Mum tablets are an alternative/next stage after Pregnacare Breast-feeding. It includes Iron and Vitamin B12 help to reduce tiredness and fatigue. Pregnacare New Mum can be taken through the postnatal period for as long as you wish. There is no specific time limit to taking these. Once you decide to stop taking Pregnacare New Mum you may wish to consider Wellwoman supplements for ongoing daily nutritional support.

For whatever stage of your pregnancy journey, only one Pregnacare product should be taken at one time, as each product provides comprehensive nutritional support. There is no need to take an additional multivitamin.

Pregnacare provides expert nutritional care with supplements for every stage of pregnancy. When you start taking the tablets depends on the stage you are at:

Before: When you start thinking about planning a baby (often referred to as TTC, trying to conceive), we recommend you start taking Pregnacare Conception. The UK Department of Health recommends women planning a baby should take a supplement containing 400µg of Folic Acid from the start of trying to conceive until the 12th week of pregnancy. This is the exact amount of Folic Acid contained in Pregnacare. (If you have some Pregnacare Conception tablets left over once you have confirmed you are pregnancy you can use these up before moving to the Pregnacare during pregnancy products (Original, Gummies, Liquid, Plus or Max).

During: If you did not take Folic Acid before you conceived, you should start as soon as you find out you're pregnant. Pregnacare has been developed for use throughout the entire pregnancy, not just the first 12 weeks, and may be started any point during pregnancy. Choose from Pregnacare Original, Plus or Max. If you don’t like swallowing tablets try Pregnacare Liquid or Gummies.

After: Pregnacare Breast-feeding or New Mum can be taken postnatally for as long as you wish. (If you have some Pregnacare tablets left over from during pregnancy you can use these up before moving to the post-natal products).

Pregnacare prenatal vitamins provide comprehensive nutritional support which contains 400µg Folic Acid, the level of Folic Acid recommended for all women from the start of trying to conceive until the 12th week of pregnancy.

Please note, doctors may sometimes prescribe a higher level of folic acid (5mg) for some women who are at higher risk (for example, a family history of neural tube defects, women with diabetes or taking anti-epilepsy medicine). If this is the case, Pregnacare may still be taken alongside, of course in consultation with your doctor. However, generally speaking an additional folic acid supplement is not needed as well as Pregnacare, as it contains the recommended level for most women.

Yes, you will still need to take a supplement as fortification is only to improve the folic acid contribution from the normal diet.  The government announced in September 2021 the good news that folic acid will be added to UK white flour in the future (the new rules will exclude gluten-free and wholemeal flour). This is to help increase the amount of folic acid in maternal diets, as low folic acid status is a risk factor in the development of neural tube defects (NTDs), such as spina bifida. This will, however, not replace the need for mums-to-be to take a folic acid supplement, as the UK Department of Health continues to recommend that all women trying to conceive until the 12th week of pregnancy should take a daily supplement containing 400µg folic acid.

Pregnacare prenatal vitamins provide comprehensive nutritional support. Some products in the Pregnacare range include Calcium which is needed for the maintenance of normal bones and teeth:

If separate or additional Calcium supplements are needed Osteocare can provide further support. Please consult with your health care professional for any specific advice.

Yes, we recommend this. Any Pregnacare prenatal or postnatal vitamins, should be taken with a main meal. Taking the vitamin tablet with a large meal maximises the absorption of the nutrients and can reduce the mild nausea which is sometimes experienced if vitamins are taken on an empty stomach. Pregnacare should only be taken on a full stomach. Always ensure that Pregnacare is taken with plenty of liquid to wash down the tablet.

While Feroglobin is ideal and safe to take during pregnancy, taking Feroglobin and Pregnacare together would lead to doubling up of certain nutrients such as iron. We recommend you consult with your pharmacist, GP or midwife regarding your specific nutritional requirements, and if taking an extra iron supplement like Feroglobin, in addition to Pregnacare, would be right for you. Please note that it is perfectly safe to take Pregnacare at any time before, during or after pregnancy.

Pregnacare supplements provide ideal moderate levels of iron suitable for pregnancy. High levels of iron are not recommended unless there is a particular requirement as identified by your healthcare professional, who may prescribe a specific additional iron supplement. Please consult with your health care professional for any specific advice.

Pregnacare prenatal vitamins provide comprehensive nutritional support. Some products in the Pregnacare range include calcium which is needed for the maintenance of normal bones and teeth:

If separate or additional calcium supplements are needed Osteocare can provide further support. Please consult with your health care professional for any specific advice.

No it does not. Vitamin A (as retinol form) should be avoided in pregnancy, as large amounts can harm the unborn baby. Vitamin A can be found in liver, or liver products, such as pâté, and in some general multivitamin products.

Pregnacare is a specialist multivitamin for pregnancy and does not contain any vitamin A in the multivitamin tablet which has been carefully formulated specially for pregnancy to contain a moderate (non-excessive) level of Betacarotene (provided as natural mixed carotenoids) instead of vitamin A. Betacarotene is converted into vitamin A naturally by the body as required. Betacarotene is safe and suitable for pregnancy.

All Pregnacare products contains 10µg Vitamin D, as advised by the UK Department of Health during pregnancy and breast-feeding. The only exception to this is Pregnacare Conception which provides a higher level of 20µg Vitamin D, in fact based on the latest scientific research in an independent study using Pregnacare.

Pregnacare provides comprehensive nutritional support for each stage of pregnancy, including 400µg Folic Acid, iron, iodine, vitamin B12 and 10µg Vitamin D. Please see Pregnacare product pages for the full ingredients list.

All the Pregnacare products which are suitable for vegetarians and vegans are suitable for those following a Halal diet:  Pregnacare Conception, Pregnacare Conception Him and Her, Pregnacare Original and Pregnacare Liquid are all suitable for vegetarians.  Pregnacare Gummies are suitable for vegan diets. 

The Pregnacare products that are not suitable for a vegetarian diet contain gelatin and fish oils in the capsules: Pregnacare Plus,  Pregnacare Max and Pregnacare Breast-feeding. The gelatin used in our capsule shells is from a Bovine source and Halal certified, therefore suitable for those following a Halal diet.

Pregnacare New Mum is not suitable for vegetarians as it includes Marine Collagen from a fish source, however it is suitable for Halal diets.

Pregnacare Gummies is the only product in the range suitable for a vegan diet. Pregnacare Original and Pregnacare Liquid are suitable for a vegetarian diet (but not suitable for vegans).

Pregnacare Max is the 'next generation formula' for maximum support throughout pregnancy. It provides all the benefits of Pregnacare Plus, including the Omega-3 capsule. Pregnacare Max also includes L-Methylfolate, a more readily bio-available form of Folic Acid, plus 500mg Calcium which is needed for the maintenance of normal bones and teeth.

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*For more information on this research, please visit