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Our Charities Of The Year 2024
Vitabiotics is thrilled to announce its Charity of the Year recipients. We are committed to giving back and supporting incredible causes that make a real difference in people’s lives. This year’s chosen charities reflect our core values of health, well-being, and community support. Together, we look forward to making a meaningful impact throughout the year!
Our Winner - Great Ormond Street Hospital
We are incredibly proud to announce that our Charity of the Year 2023 is the world-renowned Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). As a leading international centre of excellence dedicated solely to paediatrics. Together, they are pioneering groundbreaking research and innovations that continue to shape the future of child health. We are honoured to support this incredible institution and their mission to improve the lives of children and families everywhere.
The Runners Up
Charities & Organisations We Support
At Vitabiotics we’re proud to support a range of incredible charities and organisations dedicated to improving health and well-being. From local initiatives to international partnerships, we are committed to making a positive impact in the communities we serve.
Battersea is one of the UK's oldest and most famous animal rescue centres. Since 1860, they have taken in animals in need, given them lots of love and expert care, and found them the right homes. They also help to support dogs and cats they’ll never meet by campaigning, sharing tips with pet owners, and supporting rescue organisations around the world. They do this because they want to help every dog and cat everywhere. Vitabiotics proudly supports Battersea by donating 35p plus VAT every time a pack of SuperDog vitamins is sold.
Bliss is the UK's leading charity for babies born premature or sick. Their work empowers families, influences policy, and enables life-changing research. We support bliss with ongoing advertising and we are proud to support the Bliss Video Call Support Service.
The British Herbal Medicine Association was founded in 1964 to advance the science and practice of herbal medicine in the United Kingdom. It promotes the use of herbal medicinal products manufactured to pharmaceutical standards to ensure consistently high quality and effectiveness for the consumer.
The Bromley by Bow Centre, based in East London is a pioneering charity that combines an extensive neighbourhood hub with a medical practice and a community research project. The Bromley by Bow Centre supports people with a wide variety of integrated services based on their individual needs, since we are aware that health is primarily driven by social factors, not medical ones. Utilising strategic partnerships with a wide range of organisations and funders, together they design and deliver highly effective programmes that transform peoples lives. The Bromley by Bow Centre has created a new model for healthy, vibrant communities, sharing the blueprint nationwide to help others emulate their success. Professor Ajit Lalvani (non-executive medical director at Vitabiotics) is Chair of the Board of Trustees, with a long standing commitment to tackling health inequalities and social determinants of health.
College of Medicine advocates for a new attitude to healthcare which emphasises prevention, good food, exercise, and emotional as well as physical wellbeing. Founded in 2010, the college brings together the experience of senior healthcare professionals, scientists, students, and those who receive healthcare.
Vitabiotics Wellkid are funding the equivalent of 110,000 meals* to FareShare, the UK's largest charity, fighting hunger and food waste. FareShare save good food from going to waste and redistribute it to frontline charities. This helps support families and children in need across the UK. *From May 2024 to May 2026. 20p funds the redistribution of the equivalent of one meal by FareShare (Reg Charity No.110051), as calculated based on WRAP’s guidance of 420g.
Dreamflight changes young lives, taking children with a serious illness or disability on the holiday of a lifetime to Orlando, Florida. Dreamflight believes that fun and joy are just as important as medical research and equipment - especially for children who can't wait long enough for the breakthrough they need or whose illnesses and treatments have brought pain, distress and disruption to their lives.
Developed by the English National Opera and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust to provide crucial support to people suffering with long COVID, ENO Breathe is an integrated social prescribing programme of singing, breathing and wellbeing. This holistic online programme brings together medical and musical expertise, providing novel ways to support and empower those recovering from COVID-19; offering tools for self-management, particularly with regards to posture, breath and anxiety.
It is now available for free at the NHS and is being used by over 1000 people in over 50 NHS Trusts right across the country.
EMAS promotes the study of midlife health through its journal, congresses, schools and website, and encourages the exchange of research and professional experience between members. We’re proud to support the annual European Congress on Menopause and Andropause as well funding several students' trips to the conference.
Fertility Network UK provides information, support and advice to all those struggling to conceive – around 1 in 6 couples in the UK today. The network aims to help those affected make some sense of how they are feeling, and hopefully ease that loneliness and isolation on both an emotional and practical level.
Vitabiotics is happy to lend its patronage to the Health Food Institute. The Health Food Institute was born in December 1979, and during 2010 it celebrated 30 years of promoting standards in natural products education and providing professional status to anyone working in the health food industry, especially retailers.The Institute is a non-profit organisation devoted to providing high quality training for all health food retailers and their staff, thus raising standards of service to consumers and in turn raising awareness of the value of whole foods, natural products, herbal remedies, and vitamin and mineral supplements.
Henpicked is one of the UK’s largest, fastest-growing communities for women over 40, younger women and men interested in topics surrounding the menopause. The community started as a place for women to share their wisdom and offer guidance, support and tips on a wide range of topics. Menopause in the Workplace are a team of experts offering a full range of professional services to make it easy for organisations to introduce the right employee menopause training, awareness and practices. In turn the workplace benefits by supporting a culture of inclusivity, diversity and equality, increased employee productivity, lower absence and sickness. Vitabiotics Menopace is proud to help support the Menopause in the Workplace events.
Vitabiotics is a member of the HFMA (Health Food Manufacturers' Association) and HFMA Council member, which helps set the standards for the regulation of nutritional products in the UK and throughout Europe.
International Health Partners (IHP) is a charity dedicated to improving access to essential healthcare and medicines in the developing world. Working in disaster relief areas, they supply what is needed and quickly respond to disasters by getting the right medical supplies to the people who need them most. Since 2008, we have donated over 8 million multivitamins which have been sent to 95 countries.
Mamas in Need helps vulnerable and disadvantaged pregnant women and babies in the rural villages in Africa, to help reduce maternal and infant mortality. The charity provides essential services and equipment to improve pre-natal and post-natal health, provides training for midwives on maternity care, and provides education on domestic violence, FGM and other related subjects. Through the donation of Pregnacare and Wellbaby vitamins, Vitabiotics is proud to support Mamas in Need, supporting mothers and babies in the first few years of life.
3 million pensioners in the UK live in poverty or on the poverty line, 1 million of these pensioners face malnutrition. Pact Food was founded to reach the pensioners most in need with a regular, dependable supply of great tasting, healthy and convenient meals to alleviate at least some of their burden. The partnership with Age UK London ensures food reaches the emergency cases who need it most. Age UK London’s expert professionals who work directly in the community know precisely who the high risk cases are, those living in abject poverty, the sick or recently discharged from hospital for whom there is no other provision. Vitabiotics provide a donation which enables Pact Food to fund vital extra meals. Vitabiotics also provide Wellman and Wellwoman 70+ multivitamins to help safeguard the nutritional needs of men and women aged 70+.
Vitabiotics is a member of The Parliamentary and Scientific Committee. Founded in 1939, The Parliamentary and Scientific Committee is a major focus for scientific and technological issues providing a liaison between Parliamentarians and scientific bodies, science-based industry and the academic world. www.scienceinparliament.org.uk
The leading charity for bone health in the UK, the Royal Osteoporosis Society supports people with osteoporosis, their families and carers. Services include a range of detailed information booklets, a national telephone helpline and a network of regional support groups. Osteocare is proud to supports the Royal Osteoporosis Society’s important work.
Vitabiotics, sponsors staff and student development for the School's Nutritional Therapy Programme.Vitabiotics recognises the importance of the University of Westminster's unique Nutritional Therapy course and is working with the School of Integrated Health on a five-year programme to support the educational development of students and the continuing professional development of staff. Vitabiotics sponsors a range of activities including Polyclinic staff development seminars and an annual lecture and provides student prizes across all three-year groups.
The Vegan Society works to help more people become vegan with confidence and take veganism to the mainstream. It provides information and guidance on various aspects of veganism for new and potential vegans, caterers, healthcare professionals, educators and the media. It also co-ordinates a variety of campaigns to raise awareness of the lifestyle. Its multi-disciplinary research committee includes over 25 academics.Wellwoman Vegan carries the Vegan Society trademark symbol, an official seal to show the product is suitable for vegans.
The voice of Britain's 4 million vegetarians, The Vegetarian Society aims to increase awareness of vegetarianism and the issues surrounding it through campaigning, education, information and research. Osteocare, Feroglobin and Wellwoman Vegan carry the Vegetarian Society "V" symbol, an official seal of approval to show the product is suitable for vegetarians.
Wellbeing of Women is an organisation that is dedicated to improving the health of women and babies across the UK. Its research has helped with medical developments including foetal screening, IVF, vitamin supplements in pregnancy and cervical cancer screening. We have supported WoW since 1997, funding research and raising awareness by including charity information on Wellwoman packs, leaflets and advertising.
Women's Health Concern provides an independent service to advise, reassure and educate women about their health concerns. This includes unbiased information on many areas of women's health including menopause, available by phone, in print, online and at conferences and events.
We’re not just passionate about human health. We support the gorillas at ZSL London Zoo with additional nutrients in their diets. Over the years, this has included Pregnacare for Miukuu the gorilla during her pregnancy and Perfectil Plus Skin for Effie. Just like humans, gorillas need a nutritious, balanced diet and nutritional supplements provide an added safeguard.
Shine is a leading UK charity providing specialist advice and support from before birth and throughout the life of anyone living with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus, as well as to parents, families, carers and professional care staff. Shine enables people to get the best out of life.