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Eating a healthy, varied diet in pregnancy will help you get most of the vitamins and minerals you need. However, the UK Department of Health recommends taking a supplement containing 400 micrograms of folic acid every day – from before you're pregnant until the 12th week of pregnancy (the end of the first trimester). Folic acid is also beneficial beyond 12 weeks as it contributes to maternal tissue growth during pregnancy. The UK Department of Health also recommends that everyone, including pregnant and breastfeeding women, should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10µg of vitamin D especially during the autumn and winter.
The UK Department of Health recommends that everyone, including pregnant and breastfeeding women, should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10µg of Vitamin D during the autumn and winter. Pregnacare Original provides 10µg vitamin D, and the recommended level of 400µg folic acid, along with a range of other beneficial nutrients, including vitamin B12, zinc, iron and magnesium.
Pregnacare prenatal vitamins can be taken throughout the whole of pregnancy, they include folic acid which contributes to maternal tissue growth during pregnancy. Whilst Pregnacare’s postnatal vitamins are designed to support you and your baby during after birth. It is recommended to start taking folic acid as soon as you start trying for a baby until the 12th week of pregnancy (the end of the first trimester). The UK Department of Health advise if you did not take folic acid before you conceived, you should start as soon as you find out you're pregnant.
If you're pregnant, you should avoid supplements containing vitamin A (retinol) - as too much of it can harm your baby's development. You should also avoid liver and liver products (including fish liver oil), as these are high in vitamin A. Pregnacare Original does not contain any vitamin A in the multivitamin tablet which has been carefully formulated specially for pregnancy to contain a moderate (non-excessive) level of beta carotene (provided as natural mixed carotenoids) instead of vitamin A. In fact no Pregnacare products include vitamin A.
Prenatal vitamins are designed to be taken before and during pregnancy, where the UK Department of Health recommends taking 400µg folic acid and 10µg vitamin D. Postnatal vitamins are designed to be taken after birth. If you are breastfeeding then breast-feeding vitamins could help support any nutritional gaps in your diet. Pregnacare Breast-feeding supplements bring together the key nutrients important for the breastfeeding period, including omega-3 DHA. Maternal intake of DHA contributes to the normal brain & eye development of breast-fed infants, with a beneficial effect obtained with a daily intake of 200mg DHA in addition to the recommended daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids for adults. While Pregnacare New Mum includes vitamin B12 which supports energy release plus biotin to help maintain your skin and hair after childbirth.
The UK Department of Health recommend a daily intake of 400µg of Folic Acid from before pregnancy until the 12th week of pregnancy (the end of the first trimester). This is to reduce the risk of problems in the baby’s development in the early weeks of pregnancy. Folic Acid contributes to maternal tissue growth during pregnancy.
The UK Department of Health also recommend that everyone, including pregnant and breastfeeding women, should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10µg of Vitamin D during the autumn and winter.
Pregnacare multivitamins for when you are pregnant contain the recommend levels of 400µg of Folic Acid and 10µg of Vitamin D. Adequate intake of these plus other nutrients including Vitamin B12 and Iodine are essential to ensure a healthy pregnancy:
Vitamin B12 is advocated by experts (Prof John Scott, Shine report 2012) to be taken alongside Folic Acid. Iodine contributes to normal cognitive development and also contributes to the normal production of thyroid hormones and normal thyroid function. Zinc contributes to normal reproductive health.
Pregnacare supplements provide ideal moderate levels of Iron for suitable for pregnancy. Iron contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and the normal formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin. Vitamin B6 also contributes to normal red blood cell formation.
For additional nutritional support:
- Calcium (as found in Pregnacare Max) contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and teeth.
- Omega-3 capsules (as found in Pregnacare Plus and Max) provide 300mg DHA. Maternal intake of DHA contributes to normal development of the eye and brain of the foetus. (A daily intake of 200mg DHA is required in addition to the recommended daily intake of DHA for adults).
It is recommended by the UK Department of Health that 400µg of Folic Acid be taken from the start of trying to conceive until the 12th week of pregnancy. Supplemental folic acid intake increases maternal folate status. Low maternal folate status is a risk factor in the development of neural tube defects in the developing foetus.
You should consider taking prenatal vitamins when you're thinking about and trying for a baby (TTC) - aim for 3 months ahead of conception, Try Pregnacare Conception for women or Pregnacare Him and Her for couples.
Prenatal multivitamins can be taken as soon as it’s confirmed you are pregnant, 400µg of Folic Acid is recommended by the UK Department of Health for at least the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Folic acid is also beneficial beyond 12 weeks as it contributes to maternal tissue growth during pregnancy.
Pregnacare multivitamins can be taken throughout the whole of pregnancy. Choose from Pregnacare Original, Gummies, Liquid, Plus or Max.
Postnatal nutritional supplements are designed to help replace depleted nutrients and assist the body after birth which has been through a lot after pregnancy and labour.
Pregnacare provides comprehensive postnatal multivitamin formulas for new mums.
The UK Department of Health recommends a daily supplement containing 10µg of Vitamin D should be considered by everyone, including breastfeeding women, in the autumn and winter. This is included in both postnatal Pregnacare supplements: Breast-feeding and New Mum. Vitamin D supports many important functions in the body including the normal function of the immune system.
Pregnacare Breast-feeding provides 20 nutrients including Calcium, Vitamin D and K and Magnesium to help maintain normal bones. 700mg Calcium is included in this formula, as a breast-feeding mother’s calcium requirement is particularly high. The dual pack also includes Omega-3 capsules which includes 300mg of DHA. Maternal intake of DHA contributes to the normal brain and eye development of breastfed infants. (A beneficial effect can be obtained from a daily intake of 200mg DHA in addition to the recommended daily intake of 250mg of DHA/EPA for adults). Pregnacare Breast-feeding is recommended as a comprehensive nutritional support for as long as you are breast-feeding. You do not have to be breast-feeding to use this product, as it is ideal for all new mums. Take tablets and one capsule per day. Once you are ready to move on from or have stopped breastfeeding, you can continue to take any remaining tablets/capsules.
Pregnacare New Mum tablets are an alternative/next stage after Pregnacare Breast-feeding, New Mum includes Iron and Vitamin B12 help to reduce tiredness and fatigue, plus Biotin helps to maintain normal skin and hair, which can undergo changes postnatally. It also includes Marine Collagen and Grape Seed extract. Pregnacare New Mum can be taken through the postnatal period for as long as you wish. Take two tablets per day. There is no specific time limit to taking these.
The blister packs in Pregnacare Breast-feeding and New Mum are marked with the days of the week, so you can keep track of what you need to take/what you’ve taken. For whatever stage of your pregnancy journey, only one Pregnacare product should be taken at one time, as each product provides comprehensive nutritional support. There is no need to take an additional multivitamin.