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Vitamin D tablets are a convenient way to top your vitamin D levels. The UK Department of Health recommends that everyone should consider a daily supplement of vitamin D especially during the autumn and winter, when it would be difficult to obtain enough vitamin D from sunlight.
We get most of our vitamin D from the sun, as it’s produced by our body when our skin is exposed to sunlight. It can be very hard to obtain enough vitamin D from exposure to sunlight in winter, which is why the UK Department of Health recommends that everyone should consider taking a vitamin D supplement during the autumn and winter.
Learn more from our guide to The Main Sources Of Vitamin D.
Vitamin D can be found in several different food and drink groups, including fish (such as salmon, herring, halibut, canned tuna and sardines), fish liver oils, egg yolk, mushrooms (maitake mushrooms, portabella mushrooms and chanterelle mushrooms), fortified milk (cows milk, almond milk and soy milk), butter, margarine, fortified orange juice, some fortified cereals and some fortified yogurts. Read our blog to find out more about Vitamin D Foods.
In the UK, the Department of Health and Social Care recommends that anyone aged four and over as well as pregnant and lactating women should consider taking 10 micrograms (μg) of vitamin D a day during the autumn and winter.
Read more About Vitamin D Levels in our handy guide.
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, so it is better absorbed when consumed alongside a meal or snack that includes some healthy fats. There is no scientific consensus about which time of day is best to take vitamin D but some people prefer not to take it during the evening.
IU stands for International Units, which is a measure of the amount of vitamin D. This amount can also be measured in micrograms (μg), which is 1,000 times smaller than a milligram (mg). One microgram of vitamin D is equal to 40 IU, so a vitamin D 1000iu tablet would contain 25 micrograms of vitamin D and a vitamin D 2000iu tablet would contain 50 micrograms.
Vitamin D has multiple functions and benefits that are probably more wide ranging than any other vitamin. New global research shows that the health benefits of this nutrient stretch well beyond bone health. There is increasing evidence for the beneficial effects from dietary vitamin D which has shown benefits for its contribution to:
Maintenance of normal bones and teeth
Normal absorption and utilisation of calcium and phosphorus
Normal muscle function
Normal blood calcium levels
Normal function of the immune system
The UK Department of Health has stated how important Vitamin D is by recommending that everyone (including pregnant and breastfeeding women) should consider taking a supplement containing vitamin D especially during the autumn and winter (Source: www.nhs.uk). This is especially important during the months from September to March, as we do not get enough Vitamin D from sunlight and it is difficult to get enough Vitamin D from food alone.
Yes, our products are carefully-formulated to contain precise, safe levels of Vitamin D. Some people also have underlying medical conditions that may limit or increase the level of Vitamin D they should take – if in doubt, speak to your doctor.
Vitamin D is an important fat-soluble vitamin that is involved in many important functions in the body. There are two major types of Vitamin D: D2 and D3 (cholecalciferol). D2 is produced by plants and fungi, and is commonly used in fortified foods. D3 is the preferred form of vitamin D, as found it Vitabiotics supplements, because it is the specific form made in the human body, our skin produces vitamin D3 naturally when exposed to sunlight.
Vitamin D3 is a form of vitamin D. Vitamin D is involved in the normal function of the immune system, the maintenance of normal bones and teeth, as well as the normal absorption and utilisation of calcium and phosphorus. It also plays a role in normal muscle function and the process of cell division. Read more about the benefits of vitamin D3 here.
Wellbaby Vitamin D Drops, suitable from birth to 4 years, provide 10µg of vitamin D, as recommended by the Department of Health, in a natural olive oil base.
For kids aged 3-7 years, Wellkid Peppa Pig Vitamin D soft jellies provide 10µg of vitamin D (as D3 400IU) in an easily chewable, vegan soft jelly with a delicious strawberry flavour.
Wellkid Marvel Vitamin D is suitable for kids aged 7-14 and provides a slightly higher level at 12.5µg of vitamin D in a delicious chewable strawberry flavour, vegan soft jelly.
Vitamin D is an important consideration for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The UK Department of Health recommend all adults including pregnant and breastfeeding women consider taking a supplement of vitamin D especially during the autumn and winter (Source: www.nhs.uk). Our entire Pregnacare range includes this vital vitamin as part of a comprehensive formula: For women who are looking to conceive, Pregnacare Conception includes 20µg of vitamin D per tablet (as D3 800IU), based on the latest independent scientific research using Pregnacare itself. Pregnacare Conception also includes zinc which contributes to normal fertility and reproduction. For during your pregnancy, Pregnacare Max offers the most comprehensive support from the Pregnacare range for you and your developing baby. It includes 10µg of vitamin D (as D3 400IU) per 2 tablets. It also includes L-methylfolate, a more advanced form of folic acid. Folic acid contributes to maternal tissue growth. In our postnatal supplement range, both Pregnacare New Mum and Pregnacare Breast-feeding include 10µg of vitamin D (as D3 400IU) per 2 tablets. They also include the vital mineral calcium. Calcium and vitamin D contributes to normal teeth and bones.