Pregnancy & Parenting

Early Parenting Wins

Vitabiotics | Published: 11/09/2024

Early Parenting Wins Early Parenting Wins

New parents’ little wins include your baby sleeping through the night, when they eat food without complaint and getting them to look at the camera for a picture.

A poll of 1,000 new parents revealed the little moments they pride themselves over when it comes to looking after a baby – including keeping the house tidy for an entire day and –when their little one smiles at them.

And 28 per cent consider it an accomplishment if they can make themselves a cup of tea and drink it without needing to reheat.

While 36 per cent see it as a moment of celebration when their child find joy in eating something new and 34 per cent know they are doing something right when a stranger comments on how cute their baby looks.

Susanne Bisinotto, spokesperson for Vitabiotics Wellbaby vitamins, which commissioned the research, said: "When you have a baby, you start to appreciate getting the basics right and anything else is a bonus.

“As days can be exhausting, no wonder parents see it as a win when their child sleeps through the night.

“Another common concern is ensuring the baby gets all the necessary nutrients, especially as they can be fussy as they grow into toddlers.”

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The research went on to find parents had an average of five ‘parenting wins’ each week during the newborn and toddler stage – including nailing the nap schedule and a day when the nappies didn’t leak.

The small accomplishments make 62 per cent feel very proud of their child and 53 per cent feel like a successful parent.

While 37 per cent like to take a picture of the moment and exactly two in 10 treat themselves to a celebratory cup of tea.

Although 70 per cent found having a child harder than they expected and a resounding 98 per cent needed to google something to do with childcare in the first 12 months.

As many as 82 per cent claim these daily ‘little wins’ got them through some of the harder times.

With 69 per cent taking for granted a good night’s sleep before having a child.

And 59 per cent miss being able to simply leave the house quickly.

Although 87 per cent agree having a baby is the best thing that has ever happened to them, according to the OnePoll figures.

Susanne Bisinotto added: “It’s great to see how these small accomplishments, like a child eating all their food, can have such a positive impact on parents.

“All mums and dads deserve a celebratory cup of tea to mark the occasion… it’s just a case of if they have time to.”


  1. When the baby smiles at me 47 per cent
  2. The baby sleeping through the night 47 per cent
  3. When the baby giggles 40 per cent
  4. Them finding joy in eating something new 36 per cent
  5. Them eating all of their food without complaint 36 per cent
  6. A stranger commenting on how cute they are 34 per cent
  7. When they are looking at the camera for a picture 31 per cent
  8. Keeping the house tidy for an entire day 29 per cent
  9. When they’ve had a good day at nursery/with childminder (or other carer) 28 per cent
  10. Making a cup of tea and drinking it hot (without having to reheat it) 28 per cent
  11. When there isn’t much clearing up to do after they’ve eaten 28 per cent
  12. When people compliment the name you chose for the baby 27 per cent
  13. Finding a convenient place to change a nappy when out in public 27 per cent
  14. A day when the nappies didn’t leak 26 per cent
  15. Getting through the first illness 26 per cent
  16. Nailing the nap schedule 25 per cent
  17. Successfully managing ‘the transition’ from the car seat to the cot when they’re asleep 24 per cent
  18. Simply washing my hair on any given day 24 per cent
  19. The first outing without meltdowns 24 per cent
  20. Simply finishing a day without bursting into tears 24 per cent

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