
Six Ways to Keep Your Early Pregnancy Secret

Vitabiotics | Published: 22/09/2021

Six Ways to Keep Your Early Pregnancy Secret Six Ways to Keep Your Early Pregnancy Secret

Are you pregnant, and not quite ready to tell the world yet? Here are six pregnancy excuses that may come in handy if you’re keeping mum - for now - about having a baby.

Announcing Your Pregnancy

There is no set rule about when you should announce your pregnancy.

Some women wait until after the 12 week scan or the end of the first trimester.

However, others are happier to talk about it earlier, or also want to wait till much later on.

If you do want to wait to tell everyone you are pregnant, it's possible you have a busy work schedule and active social life you can't face.

You might also feel sick and exhausted and can't imagine anything worse than getting dressed and leaving the house.

While you might get away with using classic excuses like being on antibiotics to explain why you are sticking to soft drinks, your more savvy friends and colleagues might easily guess your news.

Here are six pregnancy excuses and convenient cover stories for why you don't appear to be your normal social self.

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How To Keep Early Pregnancy A Secret

1. You’re Driving

Hence why you're sticking to water.

2. You Went Out Last Night

A previous work function or party will explain why you’re staying away.

3. It's Dry January / February / March / April

Dry January - where people stay off alcohol for a month - is popular post-Christmas. But who's to say you're not having a month (or two) off at other times to reap the health - and wallet - benefits?

4. You're On A Pro-Fertility Diet

If you've read our post on natural fertility boosters you'll know that it's recommended that you avoid alcohol if you're trying for a baby anyway, so this does make sense.

Of course, this does involve telling people that you're TTC (trying to conceive) which may be an issue.

5. Just Say You're You’re Pregnant

Wait, what? Bear with us on this one! There's nothing more awkward than being asked the question outright by one of your curious companions, especially if you don't have a good poker face. Instead of denying it outright and appearing flustered, just say yes, of course you are! Then laugh it off as a joke.

6. Don't Use Any Pregnancy Excuse At All

it’s amazing how many people actually won’t notice if you don’t make a fuss. Accept a drink and just hold it. Or if you’re going to the bar, then lemonade, fizzy water or fruit juice could easily contain a mixer. And you can also find a willing accomplice to take your drink off you.

If you've just found out you are pregnant, find out more information on our Pregnacare pregnancy supplements and prenatal vitamins and supplements.

Meet the Author

Gill Crawshaw

Gill Crawshaw

Copywriter / Editor of TalkMum Blog

Gill Crawshaw

Copywriter / Editor of TalkMum Blog

Pregnancy and parenting editor and writer, mum of two Gill Crawshaw is the editor of the TalkMum blog, and a writer who specialises in pregnancy and parenting. With over 18 years experience in digital content creation, she also writes the blog A Baby On Board, which covers the parenting journey. Gill has two tween-age children and lives in south London.

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