
Tips for during the menopause

Vitabiotics | Published: 22/07/2022

Tips for during the menopause Tips for during the menopause

The menopause is a natural stage of life for women, usually occurring between 45 and 55 years of age. It can be a challenging time for some, but for many it can bring positive changes in your life. Here are our top tips for embracing this journey…

Tackling Fatigue During The Menopause

If you’re suffering from tiredness then experts suggest avoiding sugary food and drink.

We already know these types of food don’t do us any good in the long-term, but consuming high levels of sugar can really throw our energy levels off-balance.

If sugar is what you're craving, opt for foods which contain natural sources of sugar. Dried and fresh fruits are a great option as the fibre helps to slow the release of sugar.

There’s no denying that snacking is a great way to stay feeling energised. Our guide to healthy snacking explains how eating small, healthy and regular snacks can help to boost overall energy levels.

Maintaining A Healthy Weight During The Menopause

Maintaining a healthy weight during the menopause isn’t much different to keeping a healthy weight at any other stage of life. Avoiding foods that are high in fat is a great place to start. Combine this with healthy food swaps such as wholegrain pasta or wholemeal bread.

As we age, research suggests that we need fewer and fewer calories in order to maintain our weight. Using an app or tool like My Fitness Pal or keeping a simple food diary in a journal, can help you keep track of the calories you’re taking in and burning through exercise. Remember, we need to burn at least the same amount of calories as we take in, in order to maintain our weight.

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Maintaining Your Mood During The Menopause

andling the hormonal changes which accompany the menopause can be a challenge for many women. Medical professionals suggest that one of the best ways to handle hormonal fluctuations throughout the change is by adding more protein into a daily diet.

Protein contains a number of different amino acids such as tryptophan, which can help to produce serotonin, one of the ‘happy hormones’.

Exercise is also a good way to boost your mood as endorphins are released and is also important to maintaining your fitness levels. Aerobic exercise like walking, cycling or swimming will work your heart and help you maintain a healthy weight. Walking or jogging are also good weight bearing exercises which is important for strengthing bones. Combine this with strength building exercises like weight training or resistance bands to strengthen your muscles.

Maintaining a Healthy Balanced Diet

Maintaining a healthy balanced diet has never been more important. This includes eating a rainbow of fruit of vegetables (at least 5 a day), sufficient protein intake e.g. lean meat, fish or nuts, and keeping well hydrated with water.

For those seeking additional nutritional support, Menopace is an ideal supplement to support you during this time. Menopace provides an expert mix of nutrients for during and after the menopause and includes vitamin B6 which contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity, thiamin (vitamin B1) which contributes to the normal heart function, vitamin B12 which contributes to normal energy release and magnesium, zinc and vitamin D which contribute to the maintenance of normal bones.

Mason Alsuhaily

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