If you've just found out you're pregnant, you might be wondering exactly what do do next...so here are five things to do when you find out you're pregnant
Have you just found out you're pregnant? If so, congratulations!
A positive pregnancy test might be something you've been expecting, especially if you've suspected you had early pregnancy symptoms. It might be a happy surprise, or a result that's completely unexpected. You might have taken one test or peed on what seems like hundreds.
Either way, you're probably feeling overwhelmed with all the emotions right now, as well as wondering - what exactly do I now?
Here are five things to do when you find out you're pregnant:
Are You Taking Folic Acid?
You might already take a daily folic acid or pre-conception supplement that contains folic acid, especially if you've been trying for a while. If not, take one straight away.
Consider taking a combined pregnancy supplement like Pregnacare too.
Call Your GP And Book In With Your Midwife
Checking in with your local GP surgery should be high up on your list. However, be prepared to be underwhelmed - if you're sure of the result it's unlikely they will test you again. Some surgeries won't even need to see you, which might feel like a bit of an anti-climax if you're expecting a fuss! However, insist on seeing a doctor ASAP if you know of any potential medical issues or there are any medications you take that might not be compatible with pregnancy. If this isn't the case, you'll probably see the midwife for your booking-in appointment at around nine weeks.
Make Some Lifestyle Changes
You might well have spent some of your very early pregnancy socialising, especially over Christmas and New Year. Don't panic though! Make changes now - cut out alcohol and cut down on caffeine, stop smoking and make sure you're eating and avoiding the right foods in pregnancy.
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