We’re Giving Away Pregnacare Gummies Pregnancy Supplements, Which Are Suitable For Vegans
January is Veganuary, where people around the world try a plant-based diet for a month. To mark Veganuary, we have a new giveaway for Pregnacare Gummies, our daily pregnancy supplements that are suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
There are three prizes, and each prize consists of three packs of Pregnacare Gummies.
What Is Veganuary?
Veganuary is an annual challenge where people are encouraged to follow a vegan diet and lifestyle throughout the month of January.
Veganism, where people don’t eat or use any animal products, is growing in popularity year on year and as of January 2024 YouGov’s biannual tracker of UK consumers suggested two per cent of UK consumers are vegan. A further 13 per cent are flexitarian or follow a mostly plant based diet.
If you’re pregnant, or thinking about trying for a baby, you can also read our post on how to have a healthy vegan pregnancy.
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