Vitamins & Supplements

What Vitamins Help With Tiredness

Vitabiotics | Published: 20/12/2024

What Vitamins Help With Tiredness What Vitamins Help With Tiredness

Feeling tired and low on energy is something most of us can relate to. Whether it's a hectic schedule, not getting enough sleep or simply feeling drained, tiredness can creep in and disrupt our daily lives. But did you know that certain vitamins can play a big role in supporting your energy levels? If you're wondering what vitamins help with tiredness or, indeed, what vitamins help with fatigue, this blog will provide the answers. We’ll explore the best vitamins to help with fatigue and tiredness, how they work and where you can find them.

What is Tiredness and Fatigue?

We’ve all experienced tiredness at some point – that feeling of low energy or sluggishness that makes it hard to focus or get things done. Fatigue, on the other hand, is a more extreme tiredness , and may feel more physically and mentally exhausted. While it’s normal to feel tired occasionally, persistent fatigue can impact your quality of life.

Common reasons for tiredness include not getting enough sleep, poor hydration, skipping meals or juggling a busy lifestyle. Thankfully, small changes, like eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, getting good quality sleep and ensuring your body gets the right nutrients, can all make a difference. Vitamins, in particular, play an important role in supporting your energy levels and helping to reduce tiredness.

The Role of Vitamins in Energy

A healthy balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in supporting your body’s energy system. If you’re not getting enough of the right nutrients, it can leave you feeling run-down.

A healthy nutritious diet paired with a healthy lifestyle is a great combination. Staying active, getting enough rest and drinking plenty of water all go hand-in-hand with maintaining your energy levels. Let’s take a closer look at the specific vitamins and minerals that can help with tiredness and fatigue.

Vitamins to Help With Tiredness

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is often called the “energy vitamin” for a reason – it helps maintain normal energy release and helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. It also contributes to normal red blood cell formation, a key factor in overall health.

Where to find it:

  • You can get vitamin B12 from animal-based foods like beef, liver, fish (such as salmon and tuna) and eggs.
  • For vegetarians and vegans, fortified foods like plant-based milks, cereals and nutritional yeast are good options.

If you think you’re not getting enough from your diet, Vitamin B12 supplements can help.

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Magnesium is a mineral that’s involved in over 300 processes in the body, including those that help with muscle function and energy production. It contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue.

Where to find it:

  • You’ll find magnesium in leafy greens like spinach and kale, as well as nuts, seeds, whole grains and even dark chocolate.
  • Other sources include fruits like bananas and avocados, as well as fish such as mackerel.

If it’s tricky to get enough magnesium from your diet, Magnesium supplements can safeguard your intake.


Iron is a mineral and a key player in the fight against tiredness. It contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin, and for transporting oxygen throughout the body. Iron also contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Where to find it:

  • Iron-rich foods include red meat, beans, nuts, dried fruits and fortified cereals.
  • For plant-based eaters, pairing iron-rich foods with vitamin C sources (like citrus fruits) can help enhance absorption.

Check out Iron supplements if you think you could benefit from an extra boost.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is well-known for its role in supporting the normal function of the immune system. It contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, helping to maintain normal energy release.. Vitamin C also supports the protection of cells from oxidative stress and increases iron absorption, making it a great partner to iron-rich foods or supplements.

Where to find it:

  • Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are classic sources of vitamin C.
  • Other great options include strawberries, peppers, broccoli and kiwi.

If you need an easy way to top up your intake, try Vitamin C supplements.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 plays a role in energy-yielding metabolism and helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. It also supports the normal function of the nervous and immune systems.

Where to find it:

  • You’ll find vitamin B6 in foods like chicken, salmon, tuna, bananas and fortified cereals.
  • Plant-based options include fortified tofu and potatoes.

For an all-round energy support, consider B Vitamins supplements, which include vitamin B6.


Feeling tired doesn’t have to be your norm. Vitamins like B12, B6, C and minerals like magnesium and iron are important for reducing tiredness and supporting your energy levels. Pairing these nutrients with a healthy lifestyle can help you feel more refreshed and ready to take on the day.

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Meet the Author

El Berwick

El Berwick


El Berwick


El Berwick is a copywriter and editor with 20 years’ experience, specialising in health, wellness, and human (and pet!) supplements. Once a frequent travel writer, she now finds plenty of adventure at home with her two young kids and leaf-chasing spaniel. 

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